FREE Munsters Candy Bar Sleeve Printables inspired by the TV show classic! With scary cute designs, they are hair-raising, spine-chilling, blood-curdling addition to your Halloween celebration.
I’ve had these Munsters Candy Bar Sleeves Printables ready to share with you for months now but I thought I’d wait for October before I posted them. And then, of course, I went to Sam’s Club this morning and saw the store already lined up with Christmas decors and gift sets. I mean, really, Christmas already?
Since I seem to have no clear sense of time and always find myself late with posting holiday stuff on the blog, I decided to jump ahead and have these printables up for you to print way before Halloween.
These FREE Munsters candy bar sleeves are sure to bring more ghoul to your Halloween celebration. Just print on cardstock paper and insert your favorite standard candy bars. With Lily, Herman, Count Dracula and The Bride of Frankenstein in attendance, your Halloween party is sure to be a hair-raising success! Enjoy!
Download and Print:
Lily Munsters
Herman Munsters
Count Dracula
Bride of Frankenstein
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