Halloween Soda Labels FREE Printables add a spooky touch to your Halloween celebration. Fun and easy to use, they turn your favorite soda bottles into ghoulish decors!
My friends, do I have something super cool for you today. Halloween Soda Labels FREE Printables are next up in our Halloween series.
These printables are a fun way to turn ordinary soda bottles into spooky Halloween party decors and are sure to draw plenty of compliments from guests. They’re so easy to put in action, just print on sturdy cardstock paper, cut, and glue on bottles.
How to Make Halloween Soda Bottles
These labels fit 2-liter soda bottles. For the best effect, make sure to use assorted flavors such as orange, lime, and cola.
- 2-Liter Soda Bottles, different colors such as green, red, and orange
- 8.5″ x 14″ sized paper or sticker sheet paper
- scissors
- double-sided tape or glue
- Spider Venom Printable
- Liquid Phantom Printable
- Zombie Virus Printable
- Truth Serum Printable
Print printables and cut out. Remove the old label from the soda bottles and then glue or tape back side of printable on each soda bottle. If using sticker sheet paper, just cut and secure to soda bottles.
If you want the design on the front and back of the soda bottles, print and cut two copies of each printable and glue together before wrapping around the bottle.
More ghoulish printables? These Munsters candy sleeves printables add creepy fun to your favorite chocolate bar!
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